Thursday, April 23, 2015

Day 1 HI :)

Hello! I am Reily Cross. I am starting this blog after my mom, she also has a blog. :)

This blog is going to be about me! Let's get started.

 I have an amazing hamster named Theodor after the fat chipmunk from Alvin and the Chipmunks :). I have a German Shepherd  puppy named Mille Grazie and her name means a thousand thank yous in Italian, she is a pain!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have another German Shepherd named Raven, sounds mean but she is SO sweet but is not to strangers just to let you know :) I have a Cocker Spaniel named Summit, she is a full blood chubby diva and does not like Mille. I have two cats, a fat one and the old one. The old one is Packer, he is going to be 20 years old in human years - in cat years he is 180 years old! The fat one is Cheetah, sweet normal cat but is fat. She is a for real princess when she is done using the litter box she dips her paw in the water to get the litter out from the middle of her paw. I also have a fish and a frog ! The frog is Apollo and the fish is Chikaseewah. Not much about them but we thought Apollo was dead. He was not, he was inside his cave curled up and jumped out when my mom picked up the cave!

Now lets talk about me! My favorite color is mint green. My favorite shoe is Converse.  My favorite animal   is all of them but hamsters are the most cool. I LOVE art and outside playing . I love Coke or Pepsi  and I hate stuff out of order. Sure my room gets dirty but it's because a fairy comes and puts my clothes everywhere! :)
                                                            Bye! Thanks for reading
Mille when she was a tiny puppy.
Raven, Mille, Summitt
Fat Cheetah